Additional pictures of rescued turtles.
The four small turtles above are Westerns that were rescued in 2008 in various parts of Oklahoma.
The four turtles to the left were rescued during 2008
in the area between Beggs and Stroud.
They are Three-toed turtles.
Two of these are pictured below
in their new adoptive home in California.
The turtle above is pictured next to a quarter to show the comparitive size.
The turtles pictured above left were relocated to a new home in CA in June 2008, they are in a secure yard.
In May of 2009 the turtle pictured above right and in the four pictures below was discovered in the yard, and is the offspring of the two adult turtles pictured above left.
4 Turtles around 4 to 5 inches
Surrenders from CO, found in a box
in an empity house by a painter when he went in to paint.
Now living in a sanctuary in
Enid, OK.
Two 8" Red Eared Sliders, surrendered in the Denver Area, now living in a private pond in southern OK.
This is Kanokie, he was rescued from the middle of the south bound lane of traffic.
His name comes from his being found
about a mile and a half from the OK/KS
border in Sept 2013.
This is our second road rescue of 2013.